Be able to export the list of all of the top pages with the number of visiotrs in csv by clicking on an icon.
hi @Dimitri ALAMKAN! this is already possible with our regular CSV export. one of the files in the export will be for your top pages. see
Hello Marko, thanks. Indeed. But the number of pages and exit pages seem limited to the first 100, while the number of entry pages seems limited to the first 300. Would it be possible to have the “unlimited” versions ?
Ah yes, that’s correct. When using our export tool, individual CSV files are limited to 300 entries each while page reports are limited to 100 entries each. Would be nice if we could make some dedicated pages export that exports more pages.
If you want an even more granular way to export your pages at this moment, please take a look at our stats API.
Great. I’ll have a look at the API then. Thanks Marko!
Would also love to see better export of all entries. The API is nice and all but for people who don’t know any of that, just a simple export of data in CSV for a report on the web site etc. is the way to go.
One of the best features of Plausible is that we feel confident in presenting the standard dashboard to our statistics end users at universities and governmment agencies, just linking them with basic instructions on how filters work. We never felt we could do that with GA, since the UI was so Byzantine.
However, one of the questions we get most frequently is how to make an export of more than a hundred pages. We find that users open the Details window, click Load more over and over, and then copy/paste the html table. That’s … not optimal.
A stronger export feature would e worth pleny to us.
Oh I’m so excited about this being up next!
We’ve improved our CSV export functionality. You can still export any segment of your audience directly from the dashboard and now you can also perform a full export from the site settings without any limits on the number of entries or pages. See more here: